In addition to our own native technology, FitnessForce develops and maintains an extensive library of web services that allows for integration.
Developers can use FitnessForce’s Public API to access the data from FitnessForce businesses. For example, developers can retrieve class schedules, location information, pricing, join classes and more.
Developers can use FitnessForce’s existing infrastructure of identity management with tokens and do not have to worry about duplicating customer information and maintaining customer passwords for login.
The Public API is an HTTP-based API, that works with any language that has an HTTP library. Requests use standard HTTP verbs such as GET, POST, and DELETE, and all endpoints accept and return data in JSON format.
Site Access
Monthly active users (MAU) is the number of unique users who have actively consumed the APIs within the last month (30 days).
In calculating MAU, every user who performs any action via your api integration during a 30-day period is counted only once no matter how many times they have logged in and performed various actions.
A user can perform any action using your api integration. Logging in, opening the app, joining a class and more are actions that a user can perform. There are no limitations on what actions a user can perform.
Any action performed in the last billing month.